The purpose the publisher made this movie was because she wanted to recap on her life when she was put into a mental hospital. The “Girls Interrupted” by Susanna Kaysen was based on a true story about a girl who agrees to go to a hospital called McLean in Massachusetts. She voluntarily agreed to stay for two weeks but eventually ended up staying for about two years. The reason she was put into the institution in the first place was because she tried to commit suicide by overdosing on Aspirins in high school. As well as being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. She learns about herself that she is unhappy and not fond of herself. As her time in the hospital she met a woman named Lisa, throughout the movie she was mainly the leader to the other entire girls. Lisa was diagnosed with as a sociopath and she was proud of that. She was pretty spontaneous and unpredictable. Throughout the movie she was the type to throw random tantrums and helped the other girls to plan escapes. She didn’t really like authority. Lastly Georgina was Susanna’s roommate she was always depressed. She never really had a reaction to anything she would always be so cool calm and collective. In the movie they say she really wasn’t diagnosed with anything. Once Susanna felt comfortable and “at home” she finally began looking for a job outside of the hospital while doing that she wondered to what degree sexism and psychiatric fads influence the diagnoses. Later on in the movie Susanna came back to visit Mclean she came to see Georgina she was married. She also had seen Lisa, Lisa had a young child and she moved to the suburb. As Psychology expands till this day, it’s become more specific and detailed. Psychology is relevant to Girl Interrupted because it deals with identity and another where many patients were being diagnosed with a disorder. This movie goes under psychological harassment and mind manipulation, mood disorders, and as well a