
How to Be a Good Friend

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When people were born, they have many type of connection such as the relationship by blood, family or social relationship. One of the most important relations is friend. People cannot live without friend because it has many effect in their life. Being a good friend is not easy, but we take our time to raise a lasting friend is worth of every effort. As many years pass, some people will stay by our side, but many will not. We will recognize that each friendship is priceless. Of course, if we want to a good friend, we will have to follow these steps such as keeping the promise, being honest and being loyal. First, keeping the promise is very important for a good friend. Promise is a beautiful thing between us and our friend. It is a connection to develop a friendship. When we make a promise, our friend definitely will wait for the day that we do that. Besides, they will believe that we are trustworthy person, but if we brake the promise, we will hurt our friend. For example, when I was 18 years old, I had a promise with my friend to make a big amazing gift on her birthday. Unfortunately, I also had a meeting about my new job which I was going to apply it and I forgot her birthday. She waited for me all night and she got angry. At that time, she never talked to me and I lost one of my good friend because I could not keep my promise. For this reason, do not ever make our promise that we cannot keep it. Secondly, if we want to be a good friend, we will have to be honest with our friend. It mean we should make our friend trust us. We have to be honest about our feelings, our friend’s action and how you feel about our friendship because it is a basic to open the direct lines of communication with our friends and make them more likely to open up to you. For example, Nguyen is my good friend now. Last month, I met him when we study the same class. In the first time we met, I thought I have a friend who can help me improve my English skill, I

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