The hardest feat in all of sports is considered to be hitting a ball with a bat. In baseball that is the goal of the game. Trying to accomplish the toughest feat in all of sports is no mere challenge. However, there are certain steps that each hitter must follow to become great. Before a hitter even steps up to the plate, they must have the correct mindset. Each hitter must know that they are going to step into the box and do exactly what they need to do, which is to hit the ball hard. As a hitter, putting the ball in play is one thing, but taking it to a whole other level by hitting the ball hard, is what a hitter wants to accomplish. To get into the right mindset, a hitter must think that they are going to succeed. Without the proper mindset a hitter will never succeed; however, there are more steps to hitting than just the mindset. Once the hitter has the proper mindset, the next step is the stance. A good stance leads to a good swing and the proper position to hit the ball. The first part of the stance is the base, or the legs and feet. The hitter’s feet should be about shoulder lengths apart and parallel to each other and perpendicular to the plate. Next, the batter's knees should be slightly bent like guarding someone in basketball. Once the hitters base is in a good position the next thing to work on would be the upper body. A good hitter always needs to make sure that their shoulders are square with the plate and facing perpendicular to the pitcher. Another part of the upper body would be the hands and their placement. The hands should be a few inches above the back shoulder and about six inches away from the body. Once the batter’s stance looks good, the next step is the grip. The grip, or the way you hold the bat, is one of the most important steps. It allows the hitter to snap the wrists and put power into the ball to drive it far. When the batter grips the bat, their first knuckles must be lined up. The bat should be h