
The Artist - The Hatred of Sound

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In 2011 director, Michel Hazanavicius, decided to make a tribute to early cinema. The Artist was his vision to express a love for the silent film era. The story is based around a silent film star who was struck down from his pedestal. He refused to move forward into the “talkie” film style. In true movie fashion there is a underlining love story. The characters move around each other lives all the while never really connecting. The director brings out the very best in the actors, score, and set. You are drawn in even if like me, you absolutely cannot stand silent films. The beginning of the film has no dialog, and a musical score that sets the emotion for the scene. Most music is playful and lighthearted as to match the personality of the lead, Valentin. The actor gives an outstanding performance to relay this carefree likeable man. As the story unfolds the music matches seamlessly with the darkness in which the film has taken. I am a huge fan of movie soundtracks, but I never truly understood the power they hold until there is no dialog to move you to the emotion of the character. I applaud the director and the composer for such a moving experience. I did a little research in order to under stand how the cinematographer decided to shoot this film. His camera angles seemed true to the silent film style. His use of lenses, film speed, and ratio gives an authentic look. I was a little disappointed to learn they shot in color and then went to the editing room. However, as a photographer I never shoot in black and white unless I am using film. I understood the process, but I have to wonder how it would have looked if they would have gone with the film. There is a powerful scene in the movie that shows just how much, Valentin, actually fears the sound. A nightmare of profound importance to the lead, that starts off simple enough. Just the setting down of a glass emits a sound that seems to have never been heard. More and more sounds

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