One of the most recognizable and memorable images from The Great Gatsby is the billboard advertisement of the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg. This symbol can be associated with a lot throughout the novel and also makes the connection that the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg are always watching, as so are the eyes of God. The eyes can also symbolize many things, which also gives clues to the overall novel and different situations. This billboard was originally made to advertise for an optometrist, which in this case, can be symbolizing the commercialism in America. Life today is mainly about how much money we can get. People's success in mostly measured and judged based on the amount of money they consume, not so much on the kind of person they are and what kind of morals they live by. Considering that this is what America is putting importance on, the eyes are faded, on a rundown billboard, helping to symbolize that the morals of today are getting “rundown” or worse. The eyes can also be symbolizing God. As mentioned before, Eckleburg's eyes were always watching out for people, just like God does. Since the eyes are shown to be fading, on an old sign, over the Valley of Ashes, it leads me to think that the eyes can represent God staring down upon and judging American society. Society no longer seems to have the morals that once were followed, so it seems that Eckleburg or God are watching over all of these people since they don't have the guidance that is needed. It seemed that people weren't really putting an importance on God anymore, leaving Eckleburg to look down upon the people who have given up their spiritual values, chasing the possibility of wealth instead. This supports the thought of the billboard representing the corruption of the people in society. The people of this time seem to be losing connection to God. The author, Fitzgerald, seems to bring the importance of these symbols out by connecting them within the characters. Obviousl