
Organizations and Stakeholders

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All successful managers must be able to accommodate diverse and divergent stakeholder demands and expectations. However as resources are limited, success in this ability relies on effective identification and prioritisation of stakeholders (Neville, Bell & Whitwell, 2011). One method to prioritise stakeholders refers to salience, and bases this on the possession of three variables, legitimacy, power and urgency. It is debatable that, of these three variables employee salience stems from legitimacy. This characterises them as low salience, and according to the Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience, it renders this primary stakeholders demands and expectations as less of a priority to managers than others. Even so, in precise conditions employees can amount more power and urgency. By using relevant stakeholder theories, this analysis will determine how salient employee generally are; the different conditions that make employees more salient; and why it is in the organisations best interest to respond to employee demands and expectations (Mitchell, Gale & Wood, 1997). To diagnose stakeholder salience, Stakeholder Attributes Typology, has been applied to all identified stakeholders, to enable managers to determine ‘who and what really counts’ (Mitchell, Agle & Wood, 1997). This framework bases salience on the possession of power, legitimacy and urgency. For the most part, employees have insignificant amounts of power. As of voting, political and economic sources of power, their significant source is economic. As, they are able to contribute to organisations in ways that are fundamental and integral to its success (Greenwood & Van Buren, 2010). Furthermore they possess significant amounts of legitimacy from investing time, resources, experiences and interpersonal relationships; so they can be directly affected by any successes and failures (Gale, Mitchell & Sonnenfeld, 1999). Finally, power and urgency are interrelated, so by only having eco

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