
Ashton Kutcher and the Teen Choice Awards

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One may define me as a, “couch potato,” but I have experienced some of the most life changing moments watching television. Indeed, my life’s core values derive from the Teen Choice Awards that was aired two years ago on FOX. It was a speech done by Ashton Kutcher, when he won the Ultimate Choice Awards for the movie, "Jobs." He said that there are 3 most important things that he learned about life throughout his acting career, catching opportunity, being sexy, and living your own life. “I believe opportunity looks a lot like hard work,” Kutcher notes that opportunity does not come in handy without effort. Ashton tell us that he had not gained his own prosperity from pure luck. Instead, Ashton worked from a factory worker, to a dishwasher at a restaurant, to train himself mentally and physically, before becoming a Hollywood actor. Inspired from this passion, I have given my best effort in any situation, hoping to earn the opportunity, that will spark me one step closer to my passion. Then he states the importance of being, “sexy." Initially, I thought he was adding humor to his speech. However, he proved me wrong and said that, “the sexiest thing in the entire world, is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous.” This was my favorite part of the entire program. I learned the importance of being awake and ready at all times. Likewise, I wish to remain smart, thoughtful, and generous, so I can be distinguished from others. He goes on to state the last, which he learned when filming, Jobs. He said, “when you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way that it is... but life can be a lot broader than that when you realize one simple thing, and that is that everything around us that we call life was made up by people who are no smarter than you. So build a life. Don’t live one, build one.” How amazing is it that these people have realized for themselves the, “truth of life?” Limit

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