It is often said that men and women both share vital roles in our society. Men have been looked at as being the, “bread winners,” and women as the, "stay at home moms." However, our society has drastically changed. Today you see women holding corporate jobs in billion dollar companies, men becoming stay at home dads, and both men and women playing in professional sports leagues. Nevertheless, our society still likes to stereotype women as being the weaker sex. A prime example of this being in sports. Men are characterized as being stronger and more masculine than women, which is said to give them an advantage when it comes to playing sports, especially professional sports. Men have physical characteristics that make them more susceptible to being able to perform faster, for longer amounts of time. With increased stamina, a better body composition, and more competitiveness, it is easy to see why most Americans prefer to watch men’s sports like football or basketball, over women’s sports. Science has shown that men are physically capable of performing at a higher level than women. Since men have always had that, “bread winner's,” mentality they believe that they are superior to women in anything involving physical fitness or athletic abilities. Men take an interest in watching fast paced sports, with a great sense of competition. One reason Americans are more inclined to watch men’s sports above women sports, is because men’s sports were around first. May 17, 1939 was when the first college baseball game was aired on NBC. Women’s sports were not aired for years preceding. Today, men’s televised sports are drastically more viewed than women’s. One reason being women do not get nearly as much coverage; “72%? of ?all ?air time focused ?on? men’s ?basketball, football, and baseball. Women’s sports?barely ?received ?any ?coverage.” (Messner), “Women’s sports only receive 5% of total televised sports coverage