Over the past few weeks, I have been reading the book “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander. It is about a man who tells about his near death experience and shares stories about his family and life. He discusses his journey to heaven during his coma and lives to tell the lessons he has learned from his experience. Many people have had near-death experiences, but many scientists and doctors believe that most stories and experiences are unreal. An extremely knowledgeable neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander believed that near death experiences feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under chaos. This all changed when he had a near death experience of his own. Dr. Eben Alexander is a well-known and prominent neurosurgeon practicing in the state of Virginia. He is married to a woman named Holley, who he met a few years after college. They have two children together. The older is named Eben IV and the younger is named Bond. Life for Dr. Alexander and his family was going great until one morning, everything changed. After feeling some sharp back pains coupled with intense headaches, he quickly had several seizures and was rushed to the hospital. It was later discovered that he had an unprecedented form of bacterial meningitis-encephalitis caused by the bacteria E. coli. Despite a trip to Israel where an outbreak was going on around the time Dr. Alexander visited, doctors discovered that it was not related to that form. Doctors and specialists alike could not figure out what Dr. Alexander had and it became the “first case of its kind”. For six days he was in a coma. His body was unresponsive to the increasingly massive doses of antibiotics and other medications. At this stage, the mortality rate for those in Alexander’s condition is 97%, and the few who do survive remain in a persistently vegetative state. His family began to worry and hope seemed lost when doctors were telling them that death was imminent. However, moments after doctors ask