These days, most families have computers in their homes. Computers are great tools for the whole family to use to do many things. Things can be looked up on the Internet, papers can be typed, and pictures can be taken. The possibilities are endless when it comes to using a computer. While so many good things can come out of using the computer, terrible things also can happen. In Amanda Lenharts data memo entitled Cyber Bullying and Online Teens she says, “About one third (32%) of all teenagers who use the internet say they have been targets of a range of annoying and potentially menacing online activities such as receiving threatening messages, having their private emails or text messages forwarded without their consent, having embarrassing pictures posted without their permission, or having rumors about them spread online.”(1) All of these activities are mean and terrible and so many teens are taking part of it all over the country. This needs to be stopped because many teens are even committing suicide because they are so upset about being bullied. In this essay I will tell about cyber bullying and argue the ways it can be controlled and even stopped. Young people are very fragile when they are growing up in a school environment. Hormone levels are at an all time high. Stress is also very abundant and sometimes can be a dangerous factor. One of the most dangerous things that can be added into the mix is being bullied at school. Every child knows they must attend school to get a good education and every parent expects their child to go to school every day. Bullying can make going to school a living hell. Bullying in school can cause a young teen to not even want to attend school or have to switch schools as a result of being scared of the bullies. Bullying can continue when the student goes home from school on the Internet. This is called cyber bullying. It can involve a variety of different actions from the bullies. For example, the bully may tell lies about you in chat rooms or in emails to other students. These rumors will follow the victim into the next day of school. Sometimes embarrassing pictures of the victim will be posted online and there will be no way to remove them from the Internet. Also, sometimes the bullies will send threatening messages to victims saying mean things that scare them into not attending school. According to statistics reported by ABC news, nearly thirty percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and nearly 160,000 students stay home from school every day because they are scared of being bullied. These statistics are outrageous and need to be paid attention to by schools, police, and most importantly, parents. Cyber bullying can lead to many things in schools. It upsets parents very much when they realize it is happening to their child. They will wonder why nothing has been done to stop it and they will blame many people for their child’s pain. Victims of cyber bullying are in so much pain that they often turn to trying to commit suicide. Some signs of suicide are ongoing depression, constant sadness, loss in interest of favorite activities, and loss of interest in others. Other signs are saying that they can’t handle things anymore of obsession with death and dying. Also, the victim of these suicidal thoughts may engage in harmful behavior such as substance abuse, reckles