As I watch my children grow, I notice how totally different things are today compared to when I was a child. I grew up in a really small rural area in Mississippi. I spent my time playing outside, helping my grandfather on the farm and playing football. The main focus for children when I was growing up was school and the chores we were responsible for. My children on the other hand live in a city and it’s almost impossible to get them to go outside and play. I give them chores to do around the house to teach them responsibility, but when they’re done with their chores, all they want to do is play video games, watch TV and play on the computer. The big difference between their childhood and my child hood is technology. Technology was not a factor in my world when I was growing up. We didn’t have laptops, iPhones, or iPads growing up. Technology has changed the way my children learn in school and interact with other children. Technology has changed the way children learn in school. As a child, I remember going to the library to do book reports and looking up information for my science and history classes. It was always a long process because we didn’t have access to computers like we do today and you really had to plan ahead. Computers were still relatively new, so I had to look up information in dictionaries, books and encyclopedias. My book reports were first handwritten, with an outline and then typed on a typewriter to make it more presentable. My sons don’t have to work that hard. When they have reports or research they have to do for school, they are able to get on the computer to find out the information they need in the blink of an eye. Computes are a major part of learning in schools today. One class that I had when attending school was a typing class. My children have a technology class where they learn how to use computers and they study how technology is involved in the development, storing, and creation o