A week ago I was buying tomatoes in the supermarket. There were two huge baskets full of tomatoes. One basket had a label: organic. The price for those tomatoes was much higher than that for the other ones. Suddenly I questioned myself: What exactly does organic mean? Are the other tomatoes artificial? I also contemplated that the division of food into organic and other highlighted and made a social division within the members of society more vehement. I was standing in the supermarket, not able to purchase what was considered good for my health simply because I could not afford the price. What is the value of food, if it only feeds but does not nourish? If it only satiates, but might be harmful? A few decades ago all produce was organic, as it was supposed to be. In some parts of the world, it still is. Not in America, though. The process somehow happened insidiously: GM foods have become an unalienable part of our diets but society has not even protested against them. According to a famous cliché, each coin has two sides. Similarly, GM foods have their pros and cons. Because of this, GM foods is one of the most hotly debated issues of our time. While ardent proponents of genetically engineered foods claim the foods’ innumerable benefits, the opponents argue against them, pointing out the GM foods’ devastating effects not only on man but also on nature. The evidence shows that if production and consumption of GM foods is continued, irreversibly harmful effects will take place in the environment and human health will be dramatically impaired. Food has always been one of the top priorities for man throughout history of humankind. It was a challenge for nomads to find and gather edible plants and hunt game with primitive weapons; it remained scarce even after the development of agriculture and domestication of animals. In contrast, modern man experiences abundance as well as broad variety of available foods; however, many scientists, who strongly disapprove GM foods, point out that the toll for such profusion is high if not fatal. They argue that contemporary man achieved relative affluence of food resources at the expense of doubtful values, and other methods should be found to operate the gigantic and multifaceted machine producing food in order to satiate hunger of fast growing world population. Humans pay a high price for overcoming hunger; in particular, figuratively speaking, food of modern man gets more and more “denaturalized,” more man- involved. Not only has a contemporary man become used to the idea that his food contains certain “acceptable’ doses of harmful chemicals because of the use of fertilizers and pesticides, not only is he aware of the fact that meat, he consumes, is full of growth hormones and antibiotics, not only has he started dividing food into organic and other ---mostly unable to afford the former and unfortunate to utilize the latter in his diet.---but also recently he started using genetically engineered food in an attempt to feed the glutton that has six and a half billion stomachs. What are genetically engineered foods? Foods that have their DNA altered through genetic engineering are known as genetically engineered or genetically modified foods. The process of attaining GM foods is drastically different from the process of conventional breeding utilized by man for centuries in order to get desired traits in a given species of animals or plants. While natural selection is on the basis of the method known as conventional breeding, genetic engineering stresses and emphasizes, “human selection,” which is a rather willful selection by humans in order to create something unthinkable in nature: a hybrid whose DNA is artificially replicated by genetic engineers. In other words, nature just provides raw materials for man improvising in his creation and picking from profusion of available materials. Man is the solely decision- maker when it comes to gene combination. GM foods are considered instrumental in poverty reduction; this is why it is thought as a boon to humanity. But, as it becomes clear, GM foods cannot be an incontrovertible boon. Tens of books and scientific articles are published by eminent scientists who raise their voices against the ongoing process of producing of GM foods. Meanwhile GM foods or products containing such foods appear on the shelves of the supermarkets and food marts on a daily basis. It is natural for society to worry about food since food to a human is as oil to a machine; unrefined and poor quality oil triggers breaking of a machine. Likewise, foods with suspicious etymology cause various diseases many times incurable and thus fatal. So far, there are no known and observable detrimental effects triggered by GM foods; however, the threat, that unconventional breeding methods can carry certain insidious harms for man that is not obvious today