Finding the perfect bachelor pad is not as simple as it sounds. People don’t just move into places because there tired of the place there living in. There’s many deciding factors that makes a person want to move like; space, neighbors, family additions, family subtractions, and last but not least money. Just as there are factors that forces a tenet to move out they also are factors to help them find a place to move into. This includes pricing, what do you want in the apartment, and neighborhood. These factors are what everyone looks at when looking to move. And if you follow these easy steps you find your perfect place just like my brother and I. “Money makes the world go round” said by numerous people. Meaning that everything in life money has influence. So I this case money is very important. To find the perfect place first the tenets have to find out there income. Take time with each other find out what money is coming in what money is going out. By finding this out you put parameters on where you can live and live comfortably. These boundaries help find someplace suitable to live no extra money going and all bills are paid in an orderly fashion. But just finding the apartment is not enough you must do research, call find out what the prices are what utilities you have to pay. All of these goes into pricing because this is the money that you’re spending to live here so why not make sure you’re comfortable. Being comfortable doesn’t just not spending your hard earned cash. Can also have to do with the pace that you live in. If you’re a tall person 7 foot ceilings will not work. Bringing up the second factor to finding this perfect place to call home, getting what you’re looking for. First you must discuss what you’re looking for in an apartment. Room size is big enough and also living and dining area has enough space so that all tenets live comfortably. Search how many rooms you all will need to make sure everyon