There are many changes that need to be made in our government. Many of our policies are outdated or just short sighted. What kind of country would we be if we never updated our laws? We would most likely still have slavery in much of the country and most non-slaves would be paid near slave wages. However, we have changed and must continue to do so by reforming the ways our government handles election, money, and crime, among others. Ours is the best country in the world and there is no reason for us to change. We are the most powerful country in the world. Nothing happens in the World Court if the US is against it. It's all thanks to the great presidents we have elected because of democracy. Inflation is the lowest it has been since 2002, only 1.6% last year! Obviously this means that our economy is stable and will only get better. Our crime rates have gone way down in the last 30 years. In 1980 thirteen thousand violent crimes were reported and in 2013 that number was down to nearly nine thousand, even though our population has only gone up. For this we can only thank our great lawmakers and law enforcement. We have always done things this way and nothing is going wrong, so why should we change it now? Our country has had a two party system of government almost since its inception. However, it is time that changes. Two party systems are inherently less competitive due to the two parties not having to compete for the popular vote among many parties. This makes it easier for each party because the voters are essentially limited to one or the other. Having a winner-takes-all system discourages third party candidates from running for office. Ross Perot's former campaign manager said that the problem with having only two parties is that the nation "loses the ability for things to bubble up from the body politic and give voice to things that aren't being voiced by the major parties." The result of this is that unless a major party consider