Abstract Today's organizations must be conducted on the basis of four basic ideas that represent the Guide for the development of a high management level of the Organization. These ideas are: Permanent willingness to give flexibility to the production systems, inflexible programs are incompatible with current concepts and ever-changing situation in which organizations are immersed, systematic attention to the reduction of cost, this is a key element that cannot be absent from the minds of managers and their subordinates because it represents the basis for the production of utilities, high sense of responsibility and attention to the customer, this is an essential source for the image and prestige that lead to success in the market to any organization; aggressiveness, wide vision and speed. These three elements are in relation to the systematic introduction and opportunities for innovation and technological change. The scope and effectiveness of the above mean that top management should present new approaches and new concepts, as well as the differences and common points between them and be able to transmit them, driving it on the basis of the strategies that allow them to reach higher stages. Introduction The efficiency with which an organization achieves its objectives and meets the needs of society depends on how well managers do their jobs. If they do well their work, the Organization will achieve its objectives. And if a country's main organizations reach their goals, the nation as a whole will prosper. According to Peter Drucker 2012, a manager's performance can be measured from two concepts: Efficiency and Effectiveness, he states that Efficiency is doing things correctly and Efficiency is doing the right things. The concept of strategy is old. The word comes from the Greek "strategeia". Greek generals led their armies in defense of cities and conquests. Each type of lens required different resource deployment. In the same way the strategy of an army also could be defined as a pattern of actions that are carried out to meet the enemy. The generals not only had to plan, but also act. So, in the time of ancient Greece, the concept of strategy had so many components of planning as a decision-making or actions. These two concepts constitute the basis for the strategy. The strategy is a creative, innovative, logical and applicable act that generates a group of coherent actions of allocation of resources and tactical decisions. These actions are intended to ensure that the company will reach an advantageous competitive position in the socio-economic environment where unfolds and improve the effectiveness of the management. The concept of strategy can be defined by two perspectives: from the perspective of what an organization intends to do and from the perspective of what an organization is finally made. The first strategy perspective is the general program to define and achieve the objectives of the Organization and put in practice its mission. In this definition the Word program implies that the active role of the strategic management is rational and well defined by the administrators that participate in the formulation of the strategy of the organization. The second perspective strategy is the pattern of responses from the Organization to their environment over the time. According to this definition, every organization has a (not necessarily effective) strategy, even though it has never been formulated in explicit mode. This view of strategy is applicable to organizations whose managers are reactive, those who respond passively and conform to the environment only when the need arises. Literature Review For Hatten, 1987 Strategic management is the process through which an organization formulates objectives and is aimed to obtaining them. Strategy is the means, the way to obtain the objectives of an organization. It is the art, the internal analysis and wisdom used by leaders to create values of the resources and skills that they control. To design a successful strategy, there are two key rules: to make what can be well done and to choose competitors that can be defeated. Analysis and action are integrated into the strategic direction. For Mintzberg 1987 the word strategy has been defined in various definitions with "P" Planning the course of action is defined as a guide to face a situation In this definition, the strategy has two essential characteristics. It is made as developed of the action that it is wanted to be performed and it is developed consciously and intentionally directed to a purpose. The word Ploy is used to defeat an opponent or competitor It is a pattern of behavior in the course of an organization, consistency in behavior, although it is not intentional. Position Identifies the position of the Organization in the environment in which it moves (type of business, segment of the market, etc.) Perspective Relates to the organization with its surroundings filling it to take certain cour