
Wuthering Heights - Introduction

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?Etymologically, literature has to do with letters, the written as opposed to the spoken word, though not everything that is written down is literature.  As a classification, it doesn't really have any firm boundary lines. The word literature is derived from Latin litteraturae, meaning 'writing formed with letters'. The Latin word also is the source of Spanish literatura, Italian letteratura and German literature. The quest to discover a definition for “literature” is a road that is much travelled, though the point of arrival, if ever reached, is seldom satisfactory.  Most attempted definitions are broad and vague, and they inevitably change over time.  In fact, the only thing that is certain about defining literature is that the definition will change. Concepts of what is literature change over time as well.  What may be considered ordinary and not worthy of comment in one time period may be considered literary genius in another. One needs a different kind of approach altogether to define literature. Perhaps literature is definable not according to whether it is fictional or 'imaginative', but because it uses language in peculiar ways. On this theory, literature is a kind of writing which, in the words of the Russian critic Roman Jacobson, represents an 'organized violence committed on ordinary speech'.  Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech. The three main ways of approaching a definition of literature are relativism, subjectivism and agnosticism.  With relativism, there are no value distinctions in literature; anything may be called good literature.  Subjectivism, as the term implies, means that all theories of literary value are subjective, and that literary evaluation is a purely personal matter.  Agnosticism follows from subjectivism, though it argues that though there may be real distinctions in literary value, one’s subjective value systems prevent the person from knowing anything about the real values. There is also general agreement that literature foregrounds language, and uses it in artistic ways.  Terry Eagleton goes some way towards a definition of literature and its relationship to language: “Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech”.  Just as architecture is the art form that arises out of the human ability to create buildings, literature is the art form that arises out of the human ability to create language. Literature and life are inextricably intertwined. Oscar Wilde believes that “literature always anticipates life” and Mathew Arnold defines literature as “criticism of life”. Robert Frost said “Literature is a performance in words”. Ezra Pound stated that “a great literature is simply language charged with the meaning to the utmost possible degree” The primary function of literature is certainly to make the readers glad. Thus in our hours of gloom and despondency, a poem, or a drama, or a novel, or an essay transport us to the land of heart’s desire. Literature helps us grow personally and intellectually, it provides an objective base for knowledge and understanding and also shapes our goals and values by clarifying our own identities, both positively and negatively. It may be overwhelming to think about all the different types of literature, but there are actually two main groups all literature can be categorized under. These two categories are fiction and nonfictions. Fiction is any narrative or descriptive content that is derived from imagination, in addition to, or rather than from, history or fact. It refers to literature created from the imagination. Mysteries, science fiction, romance, fantasy, chick lit, crime thrillers are all fiction genres. Fiction constitutes an act of creative invention, so that faithfulness to reality is not typically expected in other words, fiction is not assumed to present only characters who are actual people or descriptions that are factually true. The context of fiction is generally open to interpretation, due to fiction's freedom from any explicit embedding in the real world however, some fictional works are claimed to be, or presented as, non-fictional, complicating the traditional distinction between fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is a classification or category, rather than a mode or genre, unless the word is used in a narrower sense as a synonym for a particular format or conception of literary fiction. Non-fiction, then, comprises of the written works based on real events. In this way, literature that is non-fiction can help us understand our world. Non-fiction writing must involve real people, places, and events. Non-fictions must also contain facts, which are information that can be proved to be true. With this in mind, a writer can select and organize the facts in a number of ways in order to accomplish his purpose. Some facts can be omitted, and others can

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