I have noticed several differences in the Odyssey epic and the movie. One major difference, in the movie there is an added main character, Odysseus’ mother. She serves as a main character in the movie but is not once mentioned in the epic poem. I feel this bring the audience into the story more especially how in present days most people have a strong connection with their mothers. In the movie, Odysseus’ mother only wanted the best for him, she was a strong,worried mother who wished his son would return She did the best she could with handling Odysseus’ journey but finally she couldn’t take it anymore. She committed suicide which changed the story’s plot making all of the characters grieve. In my opinion the book could have emphasized odysseus’ mother a little more to make it a bit better. Another major difference between the movie and the epic poem is that in the movie the suitors treat Penelope horribly while in the epic they treat her better. Penelope’s suitors wear out their welcome in her palace and she wants them to leave but they will not. In the epic the suitors tried to get on Penelope’s good side to become her new husband and to become king. Penelope and Telemachus are both treated with disrespect when it comes to the suitors. This puts in more emotion and it really convinces the audience to dislike the suitors as well, and when odysseus returns it puts in a good reason to get so angry and aggressive with them and want to kill them. After Odysseus returned, in the book he was angry with the suitors so he threatened them, although he did kill each and every one of the suitors in the movie, he only killed the main leader and a few others in the book. The books version was better because I think that in the movie they over exaggerate it way too much and odysseus became too aggressive and mean, I know it must be hard to walk back in to your town and see a group of men trying to take away your wife but my first pr