There was such a time, where people didn’t understand or even know what technology was. The reason; people didn’t even know it existed, let alone how to adapt. When I look back I realize so many years have passed. When I was a boy technology was very minimal and computers where just the beginning. Computers are what made it what it is today. It’s used everywhere, in your home, at the grocery store even an amusement park. There are many other ways technology is used, but that is just to name a few. Technology hasn’t stopped, nor will it anytime soon. It’s is here to stay and is advancing in so many ways. It seems impossible, but the more advanced it becomes the easier it is for us. It’s even more complicated than before it ever existed. In today’s world it seems to be the only thing that allows us to function anymore. Without it, we would be lost. Same goes for the oxygen in the air, without oxygen, or electricity man would not be able to survive. Today, the amount of digital devices being sold in the market, allow people to send messages, chat via social media, even mass amounts of information. Smart phones are used every single day to accomplish many these tasks. Society would fall apart if technology all of the sudden just disappeared. Time is constantly wasted when a person takes a good portion of their day, to check their status updates or play video games several times a day. If that is such a bad thing than why don’t we put a stop to it? Well if we put a stop to it, then it just might create a confusion of the mind. People of today use it as their main communication tool. If it was gone, people would feel like they had no other means of communication. Before smartphones became the norm, you would routinely go to work not being able to communicate with your loved ones. Life doesn’t seem as important anymore, because technology has become its replacement. You can even send them a quick text or a photo. Being