ABSTRACT Teaching literature for English university students needs more concentration to make the students get the points of the materials. Literary theories such as feminism, new criticism, marxism, psychoanalysis, lesbian, gay and queer criticism and others may appear difficult to understand for the students when the lecturer teach at the first time. Therefore, it becomes the important task for the lecturer to find an effective method to teach the literary theories that the students find it enjoyable and easy to get the points. Jigsaw is one of cooperative teaching method that the students into several groups to teach the other groups in turn. The students will learn all the theories that have been explained before and be responsible to teach them. Every students will deliver and accept many informations about literary theories from their friends and the lecturer will controll each groups when jigsaw runs in the class. Thus, the change of students in other groups with different theories will make all the students more understand and enriched with many informations about the literary theories. Key Words: Teaching Literature, English University Students, Jigsaw INTRODUCTION There is a big old paradigm in education that the teacher and lecturer have to explain the materials with standing in front of the class, command the students to answer many questions, and give homeworks. And this is only nominate to the teacher and lecturer in the class, that is make the students bored to study and follow the instructions. Bad score, leave homeworks, and lazy to come in the class are the danger problems for the teacher and lecturer when they meet many students do that cases. Why the students got bad score in examination while the teacher already explained very well ? Who are influence the students to disobey The reason of those problems are the lower problemsolving of case from the students, they can not get maximal score because the less of motivation from their self and do not active while the teacher deliver the materials. Hertiavi, Langlang, and Khanafiyah (2010) stated the basic activity of human is solving problem,because human life is face problem. This paper deliver a teaching method expecially for English students department that always get literature subjects and usually pass difficulties when leaning literary thories. Literature is express idea, motivate, suggestion, review, comparison in written text as the person response of conditional and situational of the feeling, society, and era at that time. But in other side both of spoken and written text called literature. As Terry Eagleton stated “Literature is If there is such a thing as literary theory, then it would seem obvious that there is something called literature which it is the theory of”. Literature in common analyze short story, poetry, drama, and novel as kinds of literature. But, when the students analyze those literary texts, they need literary theories to drive their paper in good ideas, because good paper should have right theories, expecially literary theories the students must know what are the tools (theory) to analyze the objects (literary texts). The english university can not neglect that because they have to pass literary subject in their studies however they come from english education. For english literature department they must better because they are in literature studies. Teaching literature has special taste to deliver the literature materials expecially many kinds of literary theories. Every English students in university learn literature whether they come from English education and literature department. When they get literature subject at the first time, they may get difficulties when the lecturer deliver literary theories. Literary theories have to understand very well when t