Over the course of this paper we will take a look at the use of performance enhancing drugs throughout the MLB, NFL and UFC. We will see which one of these three has more PED use than the other. We will also see what using these drugs like steroids, HGH, and Adderall can do to an athlete’s reputation. If you get caught using any of these drugs your credibility as an athlete becomes invalid in a sense. You are cheating yourself and the game. Your stats essentially become irrelevant. You could be the greatest batter of all time in baseball and hold the homerun record but if you use steroids your Hall of Fame credibility becomes in question. It could also cause you to be forced out of the sport you love because you continue to use the drugs since you want to continue to be great. Performance enhancing drugs take away from the game and taint players reputations. Barry Bonds is Major League Baseball’s all-time leader in home-runs with seven hundred and sixty-two home-runs. He is also not inducted into the hall of fame yet because he is more known for taking steroids than hitting more homeruns than any other player ever. He is not the only one to use drugs to improve his game and it is not only baseball that does it(Bonds). Some NFL players have also got in trouble by the league for breaking the leagues performance enhancing drug policy. Steroid and performance enhancing drug use is something that can completely taint an athlete’s reputation and even the sport itself. It is time we take a look into sports like the MLB, NFL and UFC and see which one is truly using more drugs than the rest. The punishment for getting caught using performance enhancing drugs varied depending how many offenses you have. If it is your first offense you will receive an eighty game unpaid suspension. If you have been caught several times using PEDs it could result in a yearlong unpaid suspension (Calcaterra). During the late nineteen-nineties to early two-thousands the sport of Major league Baseball was being tainted with the use of steroids. It is known as the steroid era. All different players around the league were using the performance enhancing drug to try and get ahead in the competition. Although it is not allowed to use PED’s in baseball this was an exciting time period in the sport to watch. Players like Barry Bonds and Mark Mcgwire were putting up home-run numbers that nobody had seen before. Bonds was able to put up seventy-three home-runs in one single season which is the most all time(Bonds). Though we are at the end of the steroid era the drug still gets used and players still get caught. Ryan Braun an outfielder for the Milwaukee Brewers got his MVP award taken away from him because he tested positive for steroids in two thousand thirteen. It was also only just a couple years ago that biogenesis scandal happened. Where big name players like Alex Rodriguez got caught for steroid use because their names got leaked from a clinic down in Florida (Biogene