
Women's Rights and Global Citizens

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We decided to do our group project over women’s rights. My group decided that this topic was very important to us because every member in my group is a girl. We not only focused on women’s rights before they had any at all, but also now in the present day. Aside from talking about women’s right in the United States of America we also compared them to Iraq. While doing this project, there were a lot of things that we learned that we did not know before. Women in the United States still to this day get paid less than men for doing the same exact job. Some believe that women are seen to be more “emotional” and ca not perform the task as well. This blew our minds because it is completely unfair for men and women to get paid differently for the same exact job and have the same education level. On the other hand, we learned that Iraqi women are more oppressed know than they were in the past. Before the Kuwait war Iraqi women had the right to vote, drive, and even hold a job. Unfortunately after the Kuwait War, Iraqi women are more oppressed than ever. They have to have their entire body (besides the eyes) covered and can only be out in public when accompanied by a male relative. When spoken to the male relative is supposed to answer and not the women. We focused this project more on a global level. It was a lot easier to find information on things that are going on in the society around us. We could have possibly focused on the local level but we decided that it would take us a lot of unnecessary time to find enough information to make our presentation valuable. My contribution to this project was finding information on past women’s rights in the United States of America along with typing the prezi presentation. We all had our specific section to find information on and we all took turns typing it into the presentation. As a global citizen I could be involved in this issue on a local level by spreading awareness. There were a lo

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