During the late 19th century, powerful men who have been economic motor were either known as captains of industry or robber barons. People who emptied the country of its resources natural or rob money from public were considered as Robber Barron. Jason Gould known as Jay Gould is among the most robbers who have succeeded in robbing in the US history. Born in Roxbury, NY on May 27, 1836; he was raised with little education. At his young age, he started speculating of railways after working as surveyor. He acquired and restructure the Rutland and Washington Railway after became manager of the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railway. Later, he became a director of the Erie Railroad. Engaged in criminal financial handling, involving the corruption's problem on the payment questioning of legislators for legalizing the sale of stock in New York. Jay and his associate James Fisk were authors of the famous financial crisis of Black Friday on 24 September, 1869; which was relative to the rising of the gold price. With the intervention of government through its President Grant, who decided to engage four millions of dollar for the falling price of gold. Another famous robber was James Fisk. Born in Bennington, Vermont, James didn't do the long studies but earned working as an attendant, salesperson. During the union barrier, he Fisk had accumulated a significant fortune by bootlegging Cotton that came from Southern. After having undergone huge failure, Fisk associated with Daniel Drew, another famous robber baron of the period who helped to reconstruct his wealth. With his partners Drew and Jay, Fisk use the Erie Railroad to raise colossal money. The US History and the financial world related that he and his partner Jay were to the origin of the financial crisis on September 24, 1869 when they attempted to monopolize the gold market. He declined to respect his contracts, leaving multitudinous drained and use the money to corrupt judge and public offici