As everybody knows, our time in this world is very finite. Therefore, if we do not do something worthwhile with our individual lives while we can, then our entire existence was for not. This doesn’t necessarily mean that everybody has to go to college and become a doctor or a lawyer in order to make their mark on the world. It means that you must find out what you are passionate about, what you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life and then stick with it. Whether you as an individual see college as a worthwhile use of your time in order to acquire a certain job or position is irrelevant. What really matters is how hard you are willing to work to achieve your goal in life because college or not, nothing worth doing forever is going to be easy. An example of a job that is high-paying, flexible, and constantly in demand is nursing. Nursing is a great field of work to enter as there are a variety of different workplaces to choose from, the pay is well (especially for Nurse Practitioners), you will always have a secure job and perhaps most importantly, you will have the opportunity to help others every day. A job where your primary focus is helping others is beneficial not only to them but to you as well as you will always have that to pride yourself on and will really feel yourself making a difference in the world, whether you save one life or a thousand. In regards to Spencer Johnson’s “Peak’s and Valley’s,” a job such as this is almost guaranteed to keep you from falling too far into the valleys and will keep you up at the peak. Since the field nursing is very broad, you will always have the opportunity to move around until you find which area is best for you and with a little extra work you could even rise to a higher peak and become a specialized nurse or even a Nurse Practitioner. Nurse Practitioners do a lot more hands on work and oftentimes even fill in for doctors if necessary, as they can perform minor surg