
Love is Like a Drug

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“They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast...You can check out any time you like, But you can never leave” (Eagles Lyrics - Hotel California). Ah, the wise words from the song Hotel California by the Eagles. These lyrics can relate to many situations, such as being in love or taking drugs. It is describing the way in which one can try and fight against falling in love or an addiction, but no matter what, they are always a part of them. Not only can both of them relate to the song, but love and drugs also share many characteristics, such as similar neurological reactions in the brain, an irrational and senseless infatuation, an eternal struggle to attain satisfaction, and inability to refrain from falling back into a pernicious pattern. Moreover, it is interesting that love, which is accepted by society, and drugs, which are unaccepted in society, actually share many commonalities. Love and drugs elicit similar neurological responses in the brain. According to Berit Brogaard, a professor of philosophy at the University of Miami, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are crucially involved in the initial stages of falling in love, are the same chemicals that are active during cocaine use. When one falls in love, serotonin boosts a person’s self-confidence, dopamine generates and provides an individual with a feeling of pleasure, and norepinephrine fills their body with raucous energy. When a person is using cocaine, serotonin makes them feel satiated and self-confident, while dopamine brings them into a pleasurable manic state and the norepinephrine makes one alert and energetic. (Brogaard) This comparison shows that love and drugs, (in this case cocaine), evoke very similar responses in a person’s brain and body. Falling in love or taking drugs can also lead to senseless and irrational behavior due to infatuation. In the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo of the Montague family, and Juliet of the Capulets, go great lengths to be together, despite the fact that they had just met each other at a party two days earlier. The Montagues and Capulets have had a deep rooted animosity for numerous years, making it very difficult for Romeo and Juliet to begin or sustain a relationship. In an attempt to please her mother, Juliet expresses, “Never shall be satisfied with Romeo, till I behold him dead.” (Westwood) By professing her hatred for Romeo, Juliet is hoping to gain her mother’s acceptance. However, in actuality, she truly loves him, but chooses to be deceptive so she can see him without raising her family’s suspicion. This lie is one among many t

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