Love, sex, and marriage are some of the most important bonds between human beings. People have many believe toward what is the meaning of love, sex, and marriage. Although some people believe these bonds are really important because they lead to important things like trust, friendships, and affection, there are other people who believe that these things are meaningless. But overall not being able to view these bonds as meaningful can result in having a very unhappy life. I believe that having a relationship in which both partners don’t value the meaning of love, marriage, and sex will lead to a very unhappy life. An author who supports this through her works is Kate Chopin. Kate wrote books about that talked about love, sex, and marriage. Two of those book that I think talk the most about these things in relation to happiness are Desiree’s Baby and Story of an Hour. These two stories show what happens when two individuals don’t view love, sex, and marriage the same way. Marriage is a commitment in which both partners who are truly in love make a decision to live together and support each other throughout ups and downs. Sometimes when people get married one of them tends to find out who their partner really are after a while and not feel the same about the other, which leads to discontent and an unhappy relationship. A perfect example of this is found in Desiree’s baby. After Desiree got married to her husband and had a colored skin baby she noticed that he turned into a completely Different person. She states “then a strange, and awful change in her husband’s manner, which she dared not ask him to explain” (75). What this quote means is that Desiree’s husband started to change in a bad way after Desiree had her baby. This shows how after marriage the person Desiree thought was perfect for her changed in a bad way. Later on in the story Desiree makes a test to see if her husband really loves her and tells him to make a