
College and the Marines

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It was about eight o’clock on a Sunday night. I was watching TV with my family after our dinner. Sunday was family night so we always had a big dinner and everyone had to stay in that night and spend time with each other. We we’re watching the travel channel because that was my dad’s favorite. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman took a commercial break and that’s when it happened. I saw the commercial that has affected my way of think for the past six years. The commercial is called The Climb. It’s an old Marines commercial which is intended to get people like me to enlist. I know everything there is to know about this commercial. It’s exactly one minute three seconds. It was released on February 23, 2002 as an honor of the Marines who raised the flag at Iwo Jima on that date fifty seven years before. I don’t know why this commercial reached out to me. I just couldn’t stop thinking about the man climbing the mountain, about the challenges he overcame. I couldn’t stop thinking about the Blue uniform, the sword, and the emblem. I got onto the Marines website and started learning as much as I could. Before I knew it I was on there every day after school. It didn’t stop there though. Every time we used computers at school I would go to that website or look up pictures of Marines. That’s all I could think about. I would daydream about being a Marine all the time. During class, in the car, at home, it didn’t matter where I was I just always had my head in the clouds. At the beginning of my junior year I told my parents about my obsession. They didn’t say much about it. The only thing my dad said was “I like the uniforms. They have the nicest uniforms”. My mom said “That’s a lot of responsibility. They will straighten you up”. That was the full discussion. I don’t think they took me seriously. My senior year came and everyone was choosing were they wanted to go to college. While everyone was going on visits to campuses, I was going on visits to the recruiting office. While my best friends took the ACT, I took t

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