During the Harlem Renaissance movement in the 1920s and early 1930s, African American culture prospered. It was the first time in history where white Americans took notice to African American literature. The movement was known as the “New Negro Movement”. The movement redefined what it meant to be an African American during this time in history. African American writers portrayed African American characters and culture through the Harlem Renaissance period. This was important so Americans could empathize and understand what it meant to be an African American throughout history. “Madam and Her Madam” was written by Langston Hughes. In the poem this woman works for a lady and cleans her house, takes care of the children, walks the dog and pretty much just does everything. Langston Hughes does an excellent job in showing this character in the last two lines. Hughes writes: “But I’ll be dogged/ if I love you” (lines 23-24). In this poem the woman that the maid is working for says I love you to the maid, and the maid states that she will be dogged. In that line a personality comes through one that is sassy and holds her ground. She is not exactly rude, but she is stern. The paper may portray to the reader an older chubby black lady with a maid outfit on and her hair up, or something a little different. The way Hughes writes this poem has good imagery. The lady is being worked to death, but really has no choice but to work like this. Sabrina Brinson stated, “In addition, the in conclusion of work by African American authors and illustrators ensures the African American culture is reflected in a meaningful manner with a variety of authentic experiences from individuals who have lived them” (Brinson 100). The Harlem Renaissance is a great way for African American writers to show their motivation, pain, and feelings. This poem “We Real Cool,” by Gwendolyn Brooks does just that. In this poem she portrays the life of young