
In My Own Words

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Coming from a family with strong Democratic views and perspectives, has greatly impacted my political values. Growing up watching MSNBC with my parents, which is a liberal driven television network has me see I am a diehard liberal. with an ideology in which every citizen is inclined to his or hers natural rights. This Wednesday, August 28, 2013 marks the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. “March on Washington”, Dr King fought for equality and fairness for all. In fact my grandfather took part in the fight by joining Dr. King, and millions to fight for quality of life for all people. Dr. King march not for only Black people, but for all people who are being treated unfairly. This March on Washington symbolizes my family’s ideology. The March symbolizes equality for all, no matter what race, gender, or social economic status. Dr. King dream was that “his children will not be judge by the color their skin, but by the content of their character”. My family has instilled in me to treat people fairly and not to look at people any differently because of the wealth they obtain or education they hold. Dr. King “Dream” has not fully arrived, however we are getting closer. Today I can go to school with other kids of different races; fifty years ago we were fighting to have that right. Our finding father said that we ALL had the “Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, even though they did not abolish slavery, however people like Dr. King, and other civil right leaders have fought for equality for all and have somewhat succeeded. It is my belief that the Democrat Party is fighting for equality and the rights for all people, not just the ten percent. The Republican Party is full of contrast one minute they are saying government should stay out of the private lives of their citizens. They do not want to help people who are down on their luck; because they feel that the government should stay out of

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