There are many things in life that can change the course of a person’s life. It can either make a positive impact or a negative impact on a person’s life. It’s always best to have the positive impact though. For me, the life-changing event happened when I enrolled in Niagara College a few months ago. Since that occurred, December has always been a special month for me because this is the month that makes me remember the event and remember how this event totally changed my life and made me look at my life from a totally different view. On December 10th I received my passport back with a visa stamp on it from Canadian embassy, soon after that I started visiting all my relatives and well wishers. My Mother started preparing my favorite seven cups sweet to take it along with me. Finally the day approached to leave to the dream country, my mother, father and myself went to the airport. I was so excited, nervous and scared too. My mother was so emotional, she hugged me and I started rolling out my tears on my face and same with my parents. During the flight journey a lot of questions were flowing in my mind. I could not even have my lunch due to some emotional feelings. I met a senior citizen beside my seat, he noticed all my sadness of missing parents, he started consoling and sharing all his life experiences, but the only thing I could do in flight is lean back to the seat and watch clouds outside through the window. When I first arrived in Toronto, I was astonished at seeing the airport. It is almost as big as Bangalore (India) airport but the infrastructure and cleanliness was excellent. Also when compared to the Bangalore airport the rules and the people around sounded different to me and also its not that crowded too. Canada was the first time I had left home. Fortunately I got a homestay which I reserved from India. Canadian Homestay is like a god gift for me because at the beginning when I joined them they were really friendl