The Aboriginal people of Australia have always been a misunderstood race who have been looked down upon by white men since the first fleet arrived to colonise Australia in 1788, these poems touch upon this matter. In this essay, I will compare the similarities and the vast differences between the poems Spiritual Song of The Aborigine and No Disgrace. I will further discuss the meaning and purpose of these poems, and also the way that the poet uses language techniques, such as the subject matter and other poetic devices to trigger the emotions and convey its message to the target audience. The poems are similar. They are both written about Aboriginal people, by proud, indigenous women, Hyllus Noel Maris and Coralie Kay Cassidy, however they convey different subjects. In the poem Spiritual Song of The Aborigine, the poet Hyllus Noel Maris explores the subject of the Aboriginals deep and unique relationship with their ‘country’, Australia. The purpose of the poem is to inform the target audience about this long lasting relationship so that other non-aboriginal people may understand the traditional love for the land, and to accept this and admire Aboriginals for what they may not hold so close to heart. However the subject matter of the poem No Disgrace is about Aboriginals in modern society and also their resilience to racism and also those who may sometimes struggle in the fast developing towns and cities of Australia. I feel that the Poet Coralie K Cassidy created this poem to let white people and also Aboriginals that indigenous Australians have the right to be respected, and that they are a strong people who have endured so much but have still managed to come out the other side. As a reader, I had a different response to each poem, the reason for this is that they have triggered different emotions due to the different subjects and writing style that is used. The poem Spiritual Song of The Aborigine was a short and relaxed poem