It was a quiet and calm evening with surprising weather for the month of February, we were all absorbed in our own thoughts having evening tea when my dear brother broke the news, and this seemed to catch everybody’s attention. ‘Do you’ll know that the president was coming to our prize day’ said my brother. I raised my head from the book I was reading, I was astonished about what I just heard. My brother was telling that his Excellency the president Mahinda Rajapakse was going to be the chief guest of their school prize giving! How grate, I thought for a moment .although I and my mother was very much taken in by this news my father thought that that it was a very common thing to happen because many presidents have visited their school in the history. Anyway I was longing to see the president for it was my whimsy of all times. The fact that I was going to see the president of our country in person and not on TV excited me (almost all the time the president is seen on TV). I sought more information from my brother interested in what was to happen on that day, but he knew very little himself. I was looking forward to see the president who I sometimes address as the king of Sri Lanka abstractedly. With all these thoughts in my mind I fell asleep happily that night. In the next few days I was able to hear more news about the upcoming grand event. My brother was told that the surroundings were going to be highly secured and that vehicles weren’t allowed to park inside school premises whilst taking cameras and cell phones to the event were prohibited. I had no quandary until this point; all these rules were quite acceptable up to this point. Only I didn’t know that the upcoming condition might ruin all my plans for the grand event. The time of the event had changed as the president was coming. Instead of Friday afternoon the time of the event has been altered to Friday morning. This was very bad news to me, what a disaster I thought. I was looking forward to go to the prize day and now it’s in the morning in which case I will have to cut school to take part in it. This idea was not very wise in my opinion. I was deflated at this point. We were wandering what to do since my brother was not quite sure of all this things he was told of. But I was quite sure that this was not anybodies tale. I had the thought of cutting school and attending this event more than once that week. This thought was brought to an end by another thought that struck me which was that I couldn’t simply say that I cut school to see the president (which was my whole intention of attending this event) would it not sound too lame a reason for me to say, so I thought that I might as well make my mind about this matter. Although I made up my mind not to go I still couldn’t stop mysel