The day you die is when you’re going to wish for another second of life. This is why you have to cherish all of the life that you have. 15 years of life and I feel like I have been here for about 100 years. Everyone says life moves fast but in reality, life moves really slow. A lot of people believe that life is about finding yourself. This is where they are mistaken; see life is about creating yourself. It’s up to you to find out yourself. You don’t look for yourself you create yourself. A lot of people believe that life is about making money, making your offspring happy, although those are good components to have while living, the most important thing concerning life is being happy. Being happy and staying happy all the time. See throughout life people will anger you, upset you, and make you cry. Let God deal with those people because having hate in your heart will only hurt you. One of the main things in life is to learn to forgive. For forgiveness is the key to opening your heart and creating yourself. You should never let people control your life. A lot of people’s parents try to tell their children how to live life. Your parents influence on life is very important however this is your life. It is up to you to take control. Life is a very simple thing. We as humans insist on making it a very complicated component. If you take life easy it will take you easy as well. Learning how to simplify life is one of the most important components you need while living. “Going with the flow” can help you a lot at times of hardship. Remember to enjoy life because a lot of life you can’t remember. We never remember days of our lives. We only remember moments. Life can seem like a crazy ride. There is nothing in life guaranteed. It all depends on how you choose to look at life. If you live long enough in life, it is almost guaranteed that you will make mistakes. However if you learn from your mistakes you’ll be a better person. I