
Negative Effects of Media on Women

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Living in a world with televisions, magazines, Internet, radio and billboards have made media very easy to approach us on a daily basis. The media has influenced our opinions, the way we think and often what we think of ourselves. The amount of power the media has on females is powerful. Sometimes all women want, is to look like the perfect women that the media shows us, and that is not right. Often. Females take it to the extreme of wanting to be considered beautiful which could lead to serious problems like anorexia, bulimia, and depression. The media has made us forget what is the real value and beauty of women. In this essay I will demonstrate the negative effects of media on women. Stereotypes of women formed by the media include being thin, having tanned skin, being beautiful and rich. It basically depreciates women. Now a day, commercials and magazines advertising a product usually use women as a sex object. Advertising a product like Gillet Venus- the woman’s thigh and butt are the focal point instead of the razor. The image of a “perfect” girl starts at a young age by children in movies, videogames. For example, Disney movies starting from Beauty and the Beast to Ariel depict women with unrealistic curvy bodies, and depend on a male for strength and survival. Research done by Children now shows that 38% of female characters found in video games are wearing clothing that are revealing, and 23% are showing cleavage. In a generation where being thin is in, almost every American woman and child has had experiences with issues of weight, body shape and self-image; men have also suffered from these issues but not as much as women. Studies done by Collins E. inform us that women are more prone to having eating disorders, 81% of 10 year old girls are afraid of being fat, 42% of first to third graders girls want to be thinner, 69% of fifth to twelfth grade girls said that they got their idea of a perfect body shape by looking

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