Even though Armand may be guilty of judging Desiree too quick and harsh, the obsessions with family and race of his society help to determine his actions. In this story, it is all about karma and consequences. This story also tells us about a man and his pride challenging the way that he feels about his race as well as his wife. The purpose of my essay is to figure out why Armand’s pride got in the way of his feeling and love for his wife and Desiree. It is also to figure out how race changed everything as well. The setting or background for this story is definitely slavery. What is so interesting about this story is that it was actually written after slavery had been abolished but took place in the age of slavery. In “Desiree’s Baby," Armand is a slave owner from Louisiana. The setting and history makes race and culture large topics to be noticed and discussed. In the story, Armand is shown as the man who is on top of the world. Just because he was a slave owner and his family was very well known he felt as if that was another reason that people should bow down before him. Just like most men that I’ve known, Armand’s pride came before everything and everyone else. His pride for himself was like his number one asset. He would do anything to protect it too. Armand talks about an “unconscious injury” and what he is talking about is how he thought his wife lost her ethnicity. Armand really only cared about how his family would be seen. All he really wanted was for the baby boy to carry on the family name. Love was a very big problem for Armand and Desiree. Armand and Desiree met when she was only eighteen. They fell in love quickly, got married, and she had his child. I feels as if Desiree and Armand are two very different people. Desiree loved her baby and Armand more than Armand loved them. She liked him in the first place because she thought that he was a good man and he happened to have changed up on her as time went on