
Legalization of Organ Sales

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Statistics show that there are not enough people donating kidneys and other vital organs to supply the people on the waiting list. This issue can be solved by legalizing organ sales in the United States. With organ sales legalized in the country the chances of people obtaining an organ will be increased. Organ trafficking occurs internationally despite the fact that it is illegal in most countries. If organ sales were to become legal then more donations can occur resulting in more lives that can be saved. In Anthony Gregory’s article “Why Legalizing Organ Sales Would Help to Save Lives, End Violence” he states that research shows that organ sales can help save more lives. With organ sales being legalized more organs such as kidneys can be donated and distributed. In Anthony Gregory’s article it also states that there are approximately 80,000 people on the waiting list for kidneys and about 20,000 kidneys available every year. Most people do not live long enough for them to receive anything and die waiting. With organ sales legalized citizens on the waiting list can gain access to a donated organ faster than before resulting in more lives being saved. While some people are still waiting on the list for donors others are taking it upon their own hands to obtain organs through other means. Organ trafficking still occurs at a very large scale despite the fact that it is illegal and frowned upon. In the article “Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration” Miriam Schulman states “illegal organ trades constitute about 75 million a year. If the organ sales were legal there would be no need for any undercover organ sales and crime and violence related to organ trafficking would diminish. Since organ sales are already going on in the shadows legalizing it and urge certain guidelines to ensure safety. Even though some individuals believe organ sales are gruesome and unethical legalizing the sales should increase participation in donation

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