In Sophocles’ great tragedy Oedipus Tyrannus, the protagonist Oedipus is a well-known and beloved leader. He was born into nobility, being the son of the king and queen of Thebes, and grew up in the luxury of the palace of Corinth. He was well revered as a wise and gentle leader, who looked after his people. When citizens came forward expressing their woes about the city, Oedipus showed his genuine care for their plight. This is demonstrated by Oedipus’ conversation the Elder on page 3. “My poor children, I understand the hope that brings you here- how could I not? I know you are all in pain; every one of you feels it, but at least that pain is only yours. None of you can know the anguish I feel.” (Sophocles, 60, 3). This example of caring is a trait intrinsic to the concept of nobility. Oedipus’ genuine care about the plight of the Thebian people brings him much adoration, which serves to make his tragic fall from grace all the more shocking for the audience. Oedipus’ elevated social status, and subsequent fall into the bottom echelons of society are the reasons why Aristotle characterized Oedipus as the perfect tragedy. Oedipus’ likability is what makes the audience actually care about his plight. Another aspect that greatly draws the audience into the tale of Oedipus, is the fact that they can see the truth while Oedipus choses to blindly ignore it, all the while blindly stumbling towards it. Oedipus wants to know the truth, but his mind simultaneously looks elsewhere for excuses that could somehow cover what he subconsciously is aware of. Without this sense of impending inevitable doom, the audience would not be as captivated by Oedipus’ tragic downfall. Another aspect of this play that gave it such relevance to the times in which it was written, and indeed to this present day, is the argument between free-will and predisposition. Is fate pre determined? That is, are our destinies already decided before events come