“Hope is the thing with feather, that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all” by Emily Dickinson. The book The Swallow of Kabul and the movie Kite Runner show the hope is the only way to bring morale for Afghanistan people. By compare and contrast symbols, characters and the themes. You can see that freedom and hope have affected the life and society in Afghanistan. A comparison of the symbols of the ocean, mountain and kite, the characters of Musarrat, Hassan and Amir, and the themes of hope and freedom is a way to support their love, loyal and faith. The symbols of mountain and ocean are a brace of hope for Nazeesh. A character in the novel who believe he can find a way to leave the city of Kabul. Although people do not believe his words, but he still convinced there is an excite hope waiting for him. As he say ‘’I’m going away. No thanks yours. I’ll pick a road at random and follow it all the way to the ocean. I’m never coming back to Kabul. It’s an accursed city. No one can be saved here. Too many people are dying’’ (Khadra 66). He lost hope in the city and he was despaired of the people in Afghanistan. He was just fine a way to save himself. ‘’ Do you thing I’m going to stay here, planted like a tree, and I’ll never see the ocean or far-off lands or the edge of the horizon’’ (Khadra84). Life should not be control by others. Everyone should have a right choice for whereabouts. Also ‘’He’s conquered the mountain, there’s nothing to stop him from taking on the horizon. He feels capable of walking to the end of the earth’’ (Khadra 105). Nothing can hinder him to complete his philosophy. However, hope makes people be confidence also make their life be more significance. Similarly in Kite Runner the symbol of kite, definition of hope, freedom and family united. Kite remains a hope in Afghanistan. Children plays kite in happiness. The two characters H