1.0 Introduction This purpose of this report is to analyze and provide recommendation on the operation management of the company “Concept design services (CDS)” in the case study. 1.1 Case Background CDS is one of the most profitable homeware business in Europe founded in year 1960s. The company was originally specialize in making industrial mouldings in the aerospace sector and low-end homewares such as buckets and dustpans. With the lead by the Marketing Director, Linda Fleet, The company had changed their direction from selling low-end homewares to high-margin stylish homewares. However, It is a challenge for CDS to be as excellent as they were in the aerospace sector considering they have no expertise in the homeware industry. 2.0 Direct responsibilities of operation management in CDS The direct responsibilities of the operations management importance in CDS are mainly the activities which are directly related to producing and delivering products. The first direct responsibility is the understanding of the CDS’s strategic objectives as to understand what CDS is trying to achieve. This responsibility involves two sets of decisions, First is to develop a clear vision of what role operation management is to play in CDS and how will operation help CDS in achieving its objectives. Second responsibility would be to develop an operation strategy for CDS. Which is to create a set of general principles that can aid managers in the decision making towards the CDS’s objectives. Third, Designing the operations of CDS for its products, services and processes. CDS had to design its products and services best suited for its targeted customers. For CDS’s case, The customers expect CDS to provide product and service that’s Quality and Flexibility oriented, Hence, The operation’s role in here would be to create such product and service according the majority of the preference of their target customers. The design of the products and services of CDS plays an important role in the success of the CDS as design of a product is defined as the translate of customer’s needs and wants. The design of the process also cuts cost for CDS as the efficiency is maximized by minimizing the error during the production. “A Good design satisfies customers, communicates the purpose of the product or service to its market and brings financial rewards to the business(Textbook pg114).” Therefore, in CDS’s case, the profit margin of their homeware products is directly impacted by the design. As in the case, CDS’s product is claimed be “high design value” which means customers perceive CDS’s products to be high in value with its stylish design. 2.1 Indirect responsibilities of operation manag