Performance enhancing drugs have been used for almost a centenary now. Recently, it has been banned and considered illegal to use in most competitions. Although some may want it reinstated for entertainment purposes, the fact is they should never be taken. Unfair advantages, health problems, and ability to cause more injuries are just a few of the problems. Consequences such as these are why harmful substances should never be allowed in professional sports (S1). During World War II, in the 1940’s, the first anabolic steroid was developed. Reason being was to make soldiers, stronger, faster, taller, the “super soldier” for combat. Later, the concept found its way in comics, as in the form of Captain America, and eventually professional athletes. Starting with military, than socially, and now most recently in the competitive atmosphere, this complication has infected the world . Today the debate is whether they should be issued legally in various contests. Although major records have been broken in the past years, for example MLB home runs, players have been convicted of using artificial substances. First off, it has been proven to be harmful and life threatening. Drugs cause the muscles in the body to increase in size at an unnatural level. One of the most important being the heart, which also expands in area. Ultimately, it ends up overworking itself shortening the lifespan of the individual. Second, is that it creates an unfair advantage. If someone is becoming a better athlete at the cost of using it forces others to think about trying, so they do not fall behind. Physicality has always been a controversial issue in competition. Is it equal that someone automatically has a better chance due to their weight or height? If so, why can't a person use a few shots to even the playing field? Reasoning is, the difference in talent, body mass, and work ethic are the foundations of competition. Applying a cerium compromises that in