
America and Biblical Scripture

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Things are a lot different than 70 years ago. If the US was still based on the rights and bylaws that were created in the Declaration of Independence or even the Constitution, then we would still have prayer in schools along with the Bible. There has been great change in the USA as far as the bible is concerned such as the changes in people’s beliefs from seventy years ago until the present. For instance, prayer in schools was okay seventy years ago. One could open and close a school day with prayer in the classroom seventy years ago. Whereas, prayer is not allowed in a public school now due to many reasons such as bible readings and teachings. In 1966, the 10 commandments which were the commandments from God on how to live a long and prosperous life were taken out of the school system along with religion. Once that happened, our schools started going downhill because the teachers couldn’t use the values and beliefs that founded our country any longer to teach our kids because the children don’t want to hear it. There is fear that people will try to impose their religion on the children in their classroom. They say that there has to be a separation of church and state and that prayer is not allowed in schools anymore. 70 years ago, teachers did not face as many problems as they do in today’s schools. I say it is because of the simple fact that children do not get proper rearing and discipline and for the separation of church and state. State came in and took the bible out of schools and things have never been the same since. Children are disrupting class, parents show no interest in correcting their children’s behavior, parents believe the child over the teacher, there is no respect for the teacher, and the teacher has very little control over the classroom. The list could go on. Another thing after the religion and Bible was taken out of our schools segregation took place which placed different races and different cultures together under one roof. That was a problem because people were not used to this and people didn’t understand the different cultures and how other people were raised or what they believed in. There was a lot of racism that still existed within the people seventy years ago (as there is still some today) and this caused a lot of conflict and issues between people of various backgrounds. Ano

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