?Nashaly Alamo English 1004 Essay #1 Rough Draft Lakshmi Chaudhry’s story “Mirror, Mirror on the Web” provides outstanding insights about how people view themselves and what others think about them via web. Over the years, the web has been becoming a more useful tool and people have taken advantage of it in many ways. Chaudry’s point of view is that stating that everyone wants to be a star and that each person seeks to be known in some type of way. He believes that social media is used by people to show off and for the random individuals to receive fame. “For all the talk about coming together, Web 2.0’s greatest successes have capitalized on our need to feel significant and admired and, above all, to be seen.” Wouldn’t anyone want to be the center of attention at one point in their lives? This type of “need” that people would do almost anything to have doesn’t only come from regular people, but even from the most famous celebrities. Looking for the attention and a way to feel success doesn’t end for everyone. For as many years the web continues to exist, presenting one-self will never get old. Chaudhry’s argues that the web is what made all the people have a fever to express themselves all over social networking sites. But then again, if this isn’t happening, how will anyone be known? If it wasn’t for the web, most people’s life would be private and no news of anyone would be exposed. Popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have informed the public about many things. His real reason of why people are so into these websites is said to be for the fame. But, for example, if someone sings really great and posts the video all over the web, how would we know if she is doing it just so people can see her skills or because she feels like her personality isn’t good enough to make as many friends. “Fame is now reduced to its most basic ingredient: public attention.” A crazy person can create the worst twerking video and have a million views and be involved in the talk of the week. That person then will feel proud that he got the public attention he was looking for. Celebrities have little kids believing that when they get older they can be famous too. At that stage of mind, it feels great to believe that. But as you get older and figured out how that person was famous, you realize that their parents already held a place in fame or a post made