
Dance Performance Review - Construct

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“Construct,” by Tanja Liedtle, was a very passionate and expressive work. It explores a narrative of life, and the emotions felt within life experiences. When researching performance choices for this analysis, I was drawn to the overview of, “Construct,” from, "On the Boards TV," which states this performance as, “a tongue-in-cheek look at the act of making performance and the connection to building a home, a relationship and a life.” As an artist, mother, and wife, this topic intrigued me immensely. I know first-hand the day to day juggle and battle to create a solid foundation for a future career, while also protecting, nurturing, and supporting, my family. I feel this performance really captured the emotional experience of everyday life, and the progression through life. It was passionate, and passion is a bittersweet emotion. One moment can feel like pure ecstasy, while the very next pure hell. Yet, you cannot experience one extreme, without risk of the other. This performance captured both sides of the spectrum, and I feel every individual experiences these emotions to some degree in their life. The movement was performed by three dancers, Kristina Chan, Alessandra Mattana, and Paul White. The dancers use simple building materials as props, which create a very unique and interesting environment, constantly changing around them. The performance explores the way we construct our lives through the use of literal, and metaphorical means. It portrays a very wide ray of life experiences such as showering, and using the toilet, and even exploring the progression and cycle of life through innocent infatuation, love, sex, birth, death, all the way to murder and suicide. The show starts with all three performers sharing an almost psychotic grin, and immediately the two females drop stiff as a board. They seem to have an almost rag doll appearance. The male dancer, Paul White, rushes back and forth across the stage to catch an

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