Did you know that approximately 3,000 teens die each year in our nation due to car accidents? One tragic accident involved a car full of seniors who were running late to their Senior Prom. Jimmy is usually a safe driver; however, on this night the excitement of the prom overpowered his sense of responsibility. While driving, he received a text from one of his friends asking what was taking him so long. Attempting to text his friend back, he ran a red light, which caused a limo, carrying students from his school, to crash into him killing most of the occupants in both vehicles. Increasing the driving age to twenty-one will allow drivers to not only be able to afford the cost, but they also will be more mature and responsible, and therefore, more concerned for the law. Owning a vehicle is expensive for many drivers, but especially for younger drivers due to the lack of income. Younger drivers have to rely on parents to give them money to maintain the vehicle. Most twenty-one year olds have been working for a few years, and therefore have money saved for the vehicle and expenses such as: gas, repairs, and insurance. Another benefit with regards to insurance is that insurance premiums can be lowered if drivers drive on a permit for three years prior to getting a license. At that point, drivers will be considered experienced because they will have clocked more hours behind the wheel. The older the driver, the more they know about the value of a dollar, and therefore, more likely to drive responsibly. Mature and responsible drivers are more aware of the road and can better handle the stresses on the road. In the event of an accident or moving violation, mature drivers are more apt to take responsibility for their actions, rather than blame another driver, or make excuses. Furthermore, at 21, hormones in the body settle, which allows most individuals to think better. For instance, if challenged at a red-light to race down the highway, a twen