Over the course of this class, I believe I have grown as a writer and a professional. With the various projects and writing assignments, I believe I have acquired skills that will prepare me for the workplace allow me to succeed throughout the rest of my college career. Skills that I have acquired include accuracy in my work, a stronger ability to work with others, communication skills, leadership ability, punctuality, and professionalism. I believe I have greater accuracy and quality from my work than I had before due to the high grades I have received on papers such as my career fair evaluation and the paper I wrote on my own mock interview and the feedback on mock interviews of other classmates. On the career fair evaluation that I wrote I received a grade of one hundred percent, which I believe shows great quality and accuracy within my work. On the mock interview paper, I received a ninety percent, although not as good as the one hundred percent, it stills shows great attention to detail, as well as the quality of my work. My ability to work with others was never a problem for me. I always look to contribute as much as possible when doing group work. For as long as I can remember I have always been a part of a team and look to help those out in any way I could. At this point in the class, we are just beginning to start group work for our big final project and in my opinion all is well. We all have been assigned specific parts of the project to do while we will also assist our group members with whatever help they may need. I predict our group will do very well on this final project because everyone in the group works well with each other in the few meetings that we have had and everyone is very flexible with finding a common ground within everyone's schedules. It is important to be able to have communications skills within a group in order for it to run smoothly. I feel that my communication skills have grown within my time in class due to various writing assignments and presentations. A project that really stood out was the first presentation we had which was a presentation of a chapter from the book. My presentation was not as verbal as my other classmates, but the feedback from the professor, as well as my classmates, helped better p