?Bapco Bahrain Petroleum Company Introduction Oil is very important for Bahrain. The first discovery of oil in Bahrain was all over Arabia in 1932 and it was the third country in the Middle East, which discovered oil. The oil provides essential support for the economy of Bahrain. It accounts for 80% of Bahrain's export earnings and 20% of Bahrain's GDP comes directly from the oil industry. Addiction is part of today's life, we are all dependent on the energy and it is a worldwide problem. This is not the only problem in Bahrain. As for oil in Bahrain, we will continue to support our economy with the production of our own natural resources. Today Bahrain produces about 40,000 barrels of crude oil and 10,000 barrels per day of oil evaporation from the same area. Bapco oil is a recognized and respected company that unites a unique experience, knowledge and expertise of its partners. The main objectives of the company are to increase oil production and the availability of gas to meet future energy needs of the Kingdom of Bahrain, in line with the country's Economic Vision 2030. BAPCO oil combines a unique experience, knowledge and expertise of its partners. The company uses the latest technologies to improve oil recovery to carry out its mission to develop Bahrain field to maximize stakeholder value and contribute to the growth of the economy of Bahrain. It will support the vision of BAPCO oil to boost economic growth and social prosperity of the kingdom. The company is committed to the highest standards of health, safety and environmental protection and the development of Bahraini citizens. With the investment of billions of dollars over the next 20 years, BAPCO aims to unlock the full potential of the Bahrain Field triple oil production and doubling the capacity of the gas. Strategic management process Each year in July, the executive in August to hold a work shop on the development of corporate strategic plan. This strategic direction of the "pursuit of excellence" spirit of enterprise reflects the vision of the objectives of the mission statement and values. In developing the corporate strategic management plan shall take into BAPCO internal capabilities weakness of force and threats of the environment related to the competitive position and the expected political, economic, social and technological changes To align all operating forces on the common themes to the corporate strategic plan, a representative sample of middle management and staff participated in similar workshops for the breakdown of the corporate strategic plan divisional and departmental levels. Strategies The first in a series of discussions between the team of consultants and BAPCO Strategic Planning Council members held this week in Bahrain, in order to increase the annual BAPCO process of strategic planning and strengthen the link between the company's strategy and performance management. The discussion will be followed by a series of seminars to discuss the overall strategy of BAPCO’s, goals and business objectives, both quantitative and qualitative. BAPCO strategy will take into account all potential corporate strategic capabilities and internal optimization, using BAPCO on its core business and technical expertise. The team will produce a 15 year strategy roadmap, focusing on the five-year strategy from 2014 to 2019. Efforts will be made to create and document a new strategic planning process with the appropriate tools and indicators will be updated to support the corporate strategy and accountability throughout the organization. Mission Vision Values The purpose of this report is to establish the mission, vision and core values ??for BAPCO. BAPCO discuss their implications and their goals also. To this end, the report includes the following: an overview of the company and my role in the company, it is recommended mission and vision, the basic values ??and strengths of the company and examples of how BAPCO mission, vision and core values ??influence on the corporate culture and image and how the results company in line with the stated mission and vision. BAPCO survey is contained in the upper. Quick study of corporate information showed that Bapco not stated mission, vision and corporate values, the company's strengths and strategic objectives are not clearly defined. The next mission, vision and core values ??recommended Bapco mission. : Mission BAPCOmission is to assist in fueling the NOGA guided by the requirements of our relentless focus on six imperatives. Honesty, integrity and commitment are vital to driving our growth and success. We maintain high standards of business practices that turn into an unprecedented value for our shareholders. To achieve our mission, we do business with these six duties in mind: to observe laws, promote economic growth, to be environmentally responsible, to expand opportunities for our employees, our suppliers respect and reward our shareholders Our mission is to deliver outstanding .Oper