
Christianity - A Living Religious Tradition

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There is a strong relationship between the significant people of Christianity, such as Christ and Hildegard of Bingen, the significant practices, such as Baptism, and the ethical guidance which is provided by Christianity. This is especially true with regards to environmental ethics. Through the emphasis placed on love, the scriptures, care for the vulnerable, and salvation, all of these aspects both independently and mutually contribute to Christianity as a living religious tradition. Christianity can be differentiated from other living religious traditions, due to its emphasis on love. This emphasis stems from the scriptures, in which Christ presents his Commandment of Love; "This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.” The impact, and contribution of this teaching can be seen in the example of Hildegard of Bingen. Her love for the church, for God, and for her monastic sisters. Hildegard’s love of God can be seen in how she devoted a decade to recording her divine visions. Baptism, through the individual, or a parent’s choice to reject sin and accept the teachings of Christ and of the Church, also expresses love. The love of God is shown through the threefold Baptism, in the name of each person of the Trinity. The environmental ethical teachings of Christianity are also connected to the scriptural emphasis on love. In Genesis, the Creation story shows how the Earth is God’s creation, and that humans must lovingly care for creation, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Therefore, the emphasis on love in Christianity, demonstrated through significant figures, practices, and supplemented by ethical teachings, all contribute to Christianity being a living religious tradition. The relevance, and modern interpretations of the scriptures also allows Christianity to be a living religious tradition. Hildegard of Bingen contributed to Christianity

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