In a world that is created with purpose, intelligence, and complexity, humanity can constantly be surprised at the sight of something new and unexplored. Microcosmos is a film that allows us to admire the exceptional beauty that can be found in nature, which we usually would not be able to see. While not only being an exquisite piece of fine art, the film is also a form of spiritual work that lets us see God’s creation from unfamiliar, undiscovered perspectives. Abraham Kuyper, a theologian, mentions divine thinking as being “embedded in all created things.” Kuyper is trying to make a point clear. All things are formed in the likeness of God, and all things are an image of God and his thoughts. The quotation also refers to incarnation because Kuyper’s theory is that God exists within everything. In Microcosmos, we see all the different creatures living as God intended them to. My thoughts are similar to those of Kuyper. Beauty can be found in everything, no matter the circumstances. Even if you have to look at the smallest details, as shown in Microcosmos, beauty exists in all of creation. There is no correct answer as to how this is possible, but some people may have belief and faith in that all these things were created with God in mind. To me, beauty is formed from love, so my belief is that God created all living things with love and thought. There are certain characteristics that I find are required for all things created. Two things are vital for creation: a mind and a body. These two categories, however, carry much more meaning. The mind is character found within. Purpose and direction are common attributes found within all creation. Everything that God has created was formed to have an intent and purpose. We see the dung beetle in the film persevering after failing time and time again to roll the ball up the hill until it succeeded, demonstrating the personality within all creation. The body is the extrinsic form that embodies the character within, and completes the creation’s unique identity. Thus, every creation is different in its own way. Look at humans, for example, and take into account these same characteristics. Every individual has their own mind and body, has their own purpose and direction, and does not look the same as any other person. Through examination of creation, we are able to gain a greater understanding of the nature of the divine. All creation is created in the image of God, so by recognizing the characteristics of creation, we are also able to fathom what the divine are like. In the way that creation has purpose and uniqueness, gods also have the same traits. Therefore, the divine have a mind and body, similarly to all of creation. There is also an element of