Censorship on religious media always has been a controversial topic. Censorship is controlling or limiting things according to specific rules. These rules include what should be said and what should not and who can be on TV and who cannot. Statistics proved that the majority of people agreed on putting some rules on media, specifically on the religious media. Some people require censorship on religions media and others disagree. Censorship should be applied on media that includes religious issues because of political and education reasons and non-qualified people. Opponents of this idea claim that censorship on media that includes religious issues damages or affects some political aspects. They say that not letting people say their opinions and expose their point of view reflects a distorted image about the country's politics. Most of politicians say that religion has nothing to do with politics. Otherwise, what trades on religion media channels and radios is what really reflects the distorted image. People who are allowed to talk about the religion on the religious media are the people who have an authority from the country. From an education perspective, people who do not want censorship on media to be applied say that it does have an educational side. They claim that educationally, children need to listen to everything about religion so they can choose their religious path. Nevertheless, not everything they are going to hear is right and some of it will be lies. If people let their children listen to those people without any motoring what they say, this will leads to a disasters. Children will do and say and fight for their religious concepts that may be wrong. Everyone on the religious media considers only their opinions and their point of view despite the others. Therefore, their children also will be aggressive, only consider their opinions not accept others', which leads to most parents raising their children to follow their re