I went east, west, south and north, but I have never found a place better than my motherland. The air that my great ancestors breathed. The water that cured diseases that was said it was incurable, and the land which carries great secrets of the past. My motherland is Uzbekistan the country which shook the world with it might and power. In my motherland children my age and other ages are no less and never were. They are the most active and the most intelligent children of this century and the century after that. If we want to be champion we will be champion we just need to have an intention and self-trust to be unstoppable. In the same time we must thank our president and our ancestor for bringing us to this peaceful and adequate time. Many years our ancestors fought for this freedom right now we have ,so their generation or us to live in this type of great atmosphere. Many years of hard work showed its result. Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Mirzo Ulugbek, Abu Rayhon Beruniy, Khorazimy, Abu Nasr Farobiy and other of the greatest pioneers, astronomers, mathematicians, physicians, philosophers and so on. Their love for knowledge made them write about their discoveries and the books which they wrote on papers are really precious like every page of their book is made out of gold. If I would take Mirzo Ulugbek (1394-1449) as an example he opened the secret to stars by building the first observatory in Samarkand. Our ancestor, Mirzo Ulugbek. spended most of his life in the observatory studying stars. He discovered more than thousand stars and named them in his book called “Ziji Jadidi Kuragoniy” ,is a book that contains the name of stars, which helped astronomers in the future. This was only one of our ancestor that gave us pride in the pages of astronomy. Imagine what others did, they also made huge discoveries, which gave us pride in other the pages of knowledge. Our ancestors did have any advanced technologies of this year, but we have the right now in our peaceful and human rights protected motherland Uzbekistan. This means we can also achieve greater goals in the present and future which may be added to the book of knowledge, making us pioneers and helpings our future generation to develop more. In my motherland not only knowledge played role, but in the same time religion which our ancestors were played a vital role, which is Islam. Nowadays, entire Islamic countries respect our motherland, because of our ancestors who added their part in history of Islam. They are Al-Bukhariy, Tirmidhi, Motrudiy, Naqshbandiy and so on. These days most of the Islamic countries won’t recogni