Persepolis is a graphic memoir written by Marjane Satrapi. This memoir is about her growing up in Iran during the revolution. She experienced many different things throughout her childhood and was forced to grow up very quickly. Persepolis shows how war and big events in one’s childhood can affect how they grow and develop as a person. Growing up in the time of a revolution changed how Marjane developed independence, much like 9/11 shaped the lives of millennials, by giving them a certain view on government, making them more cautious, patriotic, and proud of where they came from. Marjane was not very independent at first, but throughout her life she grew and gained a new sense of independence by making her own decisions rather than doing what her parents made her. As a child Marjane was forced to go to school much like all of us were. Early on Marjane decided that she is going to be a prophet, but her teacher finds out about this and did not understand her and confronted her parents about it. “Your child is disturbed. She wants to become a prophet” (Satrapi 8). Marjane did not like to go to school because her teachers just did not understand her, and they did not seem to want to understand her. Her teachers showed that they do not support Marjane. Later in the story we see Marjane acting out in school again. She said after beginning a new school year where many new traditions started that “After a little while, no one took the torture sessions seriously anymore. As for me, I immediately started making fun of them” (Satrapi 97). By looking at these pictures of Marjane messing around laying on the floor, and wearing her veil the wrong way we understand how she disrespected her teachers. I think this is because she did not want to be there and did not want to be taught what they were teaching. She had her own views and only went to school because her parents made her. Later on in life Marjane and Reza decided to take their National Exam so that they could go back to school. “(They) decided to study for the National Exam as to not waste their lives doing nothing” (Satrapi 280). Marjane made this decision on her own without the help of her parents. She showed more independence and how she had grown as a person. She realized the importance of schooling now. Marjane always wanted to be her own person and h